Dave Wilson '04

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Completed his undergraduate degrees in computer science (Course 6-3) and mathematics (Course 18) in 2004 and his MEng degree in computer science in 2005. He mainly focused on theoretical computer science (including algorithms, cryptography, and coding theory) but occasionally took an interest in hardware design. Like all aspiring cryptographers, he is paranoid, and is unsure about the idea of a wiki having a page devoted to him.

Dave TAed 6.857 in Fall 2004 and 6.004 in Spring 2005, and thinks that everyone should take these classes.

Dave was also one of the original creators of Teddy Borg, a member of the 4E Mafia, and a well-regarded Hall Chair. He is now working for Oracle out near San Francisco, CA.

Dave is the only dragon ever known to have been a resident of Slugfest.

See Also
