Deep-fried Twinkies

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Some of the most amazingly _fill_in_the_blank desserts in existence. Some argue that it is the pinnacle of American cuisine. Others cower in fear at the sight.


The preparation of a deep-fried twinkie involves a coating in flour and cornstarch and subsequent submersion into a vat of hot oil... this would be Vimal's Dual Daddy deep fryer. This serves to create a crispy coating and liquidfy the white goo inside into a hot liquid which is strangely satisfying.


Always with a great amount of fanfare, a deep-fried twinkie is drained for a short period of time, and coated in powdered sugar. In many cases, it it served with a brownie and a scoop of ice cream. The crowning glory is a York Peppermint Patty


For the novice, eating more than a few bites of a deep fried twinkie may be hazardous to the health of both the eater and passerbys.