Max Fridge

From SlugWiki
Revision as of 18:29, 29 May 2006 by Rob (Talk)

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One of the primary means of supporting the Slugwiki is through purchases of items at the max fridge, located in the Cocoa Lounge. Each soda costs $0.40 (compare to the $0.50 charged at some competing fridges), and includes a free IP address and .bemix domain name on Slugnet.

Slugs are highly encouraged to recycle their cans at the Bebox, which funds the continued development of the various Category:Projects projects that improve the lives of slugs everyday.


Date Amount Person
5/22/06 3.81 Edwin
5/25/06 9.64 Edwin

Date Item Person Cost
5/21/06 12-pack of Max Cola Walker 2.00
5/22/06 12-pack of Lipton Iced Tea, 6-pack of Shaw's Raspberry Ginger Ale, 6-pack of Shaw's Root Beer Edwin 5.10
5/25/06 two 6-packs of Shaw's Raspberry Ginger Ale, 6-pack of Max Cola Edwin 3.90